In our second Pelvic Pain Matters webinar, Nick Wood, a consultant clinical psychologist and researcher, shared the highs and lows of his story in a session entitled: Building Healing-Focused Client-Therapist Relationships.


Become the master of your CPPS destiny / narrative

Switching your mindset from passive victim to active agent puts you in control of your personal chronic pelvic pain story, bringing resolution that little bit closer. 

Medics should help patients make their voices heard

From blaming personality types to dashing hopes of permanent recovery, medics must respect patients’ lived experience and listen to the voices of those who need unfailing support to find healing.

Finding meaning in pain

Nick feels CPPS brought him back into a body he was taking for granted by ‘living in his head’ and overlooking the simple pleasures of physical activity. This realisation played a crucial part in his recovery.

Characterising / visualising pain

Nick referred to the sharp stabbing in his perineum as ‘Cling’, while the deeper bodily ache was ‘Clang’; this simple strategy helped him take charge of painful episodes, reducing the intensity and associated stress. Similarly, imagining pain and finding a counter image to soothe it can help, such as fire being dowsed with cooling ice-cream.

It’s good to talk

Gaining support from others who have beaten CPPS can boost flagging spirits. Be wary of internet forums where jaded patients can congregate and give the impression recovery isn’t possible. Also speak up at work to get the extra help you need to be comfortable doing your job.

Thanks once again to Nick Wood for his expertise, honesty and openness. It was a true exceptional webinar!

To read the an overview of the webinar click here

To watch my interview with Nick Wood click here

For more Pelvic Pain Matters Webinars please click here

Testimonials From Clients

“Having suffered with Pelvic Pain to the point where I had to be hospitalised for a number of nights. Karl has a great understanding and level of empathy with his patients. Appreciating exactly how they feel and what they are going through”

To read blog posts from my patients about their successful recovery from their chronic pelvic pain and chronic prostatitis experiences, in their own words click here


Please find below a sample of some of my patient testimonials from over the years. I have not included them ALL here. Instead I have picked a handful of those that demonstrate a wide range of my skill sets, outcomes and patient opinions. I would therefore hope that you are able to gauge how I approach my methods of treatment. If you have any questions regarding any of these comments below or would like to know more about my treatment please contact me here

My aim is to take every individual patient I see and treat them as individuals. If I am not achieving this then I believe I am letting down that patient. It is therefore imperative that my approach is bespoke and tailored. Failure to do so is likely to result in an unsuccessful outcome.

From those testimonials listed below I hope to give you a flavour of what you can expect if you come and see me as a patient.


Read All Reviews